#OnSet 'Sick'
In a city plagued by a vicious disease, a sadistic and egomaniacal president has called for the immediate eradication of all with the...
Coney Island Film Fest
'THE LAST HUNDRED FEET' premieres at the Coney Island Film Festival Sunday September 10th at 4pm. Get your tickets at Coney Island Film...
Greta Gets Grimmy
So excited to share the #trailer of a #shortfilm I had the pleasure of working on last summer. #TheLastHundredFeet is about a few bada$$...
Kentucky Here I Come!
Heading to Lexington, Kentucky to shoot an Independent Film for 3 weeks. Will upload all the fun pics right here. Leading ladies and...
On set
Being a rebel on the set of 'The Last Hundred Feet' Independent Short Film about 'the organizers of an underground punk bicycle race...